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Dear Quota Team
I've got a pretty great sales gig. I've been here for 3 years now. Pay is good, quota is doable, and my manager gives me lots of autonomy. The company has been growing and we're now expanding the sales team. One of my old college buddies who I'm still close with is in sales and asked if I could recommend him. He's employed in a sales job now but he bounces around a lot. He's a big party guy and he's not the most reliable person. He always cancels plans with me last minute or sometimes just doesn't even show up. He RSVP'd to my baby shower last month but then just never came. No text — nothing. I'm a bit worried about recommending him because I don't want it to reflect negatively on me if it doesn't work out, but he is an old friend and I feel kind of guilty saying no. What should I do?
Hesitant in Maine
Dear Hesitant,
Tell your friend to submit his resume, then be honest with the hiring manager about the negatives and positives that might come with hiring your friend. This will ensure that you’re being a good friend while simultaneously absolving you of responsibility with your company in the event they want to hire your friend and it doesn’t work out. Of course, if you really don’t want him to join the company, you’ll have to find a polite way to let him down. Good luck.