Advice: "I travel for work often, but my wife wants me to get a new job to spend more time at home"

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Dear Quota Team

I've been working in sales for almost 10 years. I just had my first child this year, and my company gave me two months of paternity leave which was pretty nice, but now I'm back at work. My job requires me to travel often, I'm on a plane at least once a week. Ever since I got back to work, my wife has been pushing me to find a new job that doesn't require as much travel and will allow me to work from home to spend more time with her and help out with our newborn. The thing is, I really like my job. The company is great, my coworkers are great, I actually enjoy traveling (weird I know), and I make really great money — enough that we decided over a year ago that she could quit her job and be a full-time mom.

I'm sure I could find something that's remote with similar comp, but I feel like I'd be risking a lot as there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to a new job. I don't want to get stuck working for a boss I don't like or a company that doesn't take care of their employees. I also don't think it's fair to leave my employer high and dry after they just gave me paternity leave. Any advice on what I should do?

New Dad, Location withheld


Dear New Dad

Congrats on starting the journey of fatherhood!

This is a tricky one, as it's more personal. It sounds like you really do like your job and it's something you don't want to give up. For good reason, a job that you enjoy at a company that treats you and pays you well isn't easy to come by. It's not impossible to find another great remote job, but you're right, you'd definitely be taking a risk jumping ship to another job where you won't be able to really gauge how good things will be day-to-day.

The simplest choice here is to just suck it up and make the sacrifice and start looking for a new job. After all — happy wife, happy life. But this may make you unhappy and could lead to resentment down the road.

The best next step may be to have a candid conversation with your boss. It sounds like you have a good relationship and your company values you . If you let them know what's going on, maybe they’ll be able to work something out with you where you can travel less and spend more time at home. Good luck! 

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